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Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit

(Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc Enugu Branch)

5 Chapters
116 Pages
19,951 Words

Complete Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


Due to the rapid increase in the Socio-economic problem of this Country, and as a result of Millions of Naira being wasted at project sites,
I decide to go into surveying the avenue in which these wastage of funds and improper Accounting will be curtailed and the economic problems be ameliorated.
It will be assume most of these problems arise as a result of poor budgetary plans implementation in this country. I will therefore, introduce the study in chapter one of this thesis with a clear statement of the problems inherent in poor budgetary plan implementation.
In the Second chapter, I will put efforts to give some definition of the budget which is an estimate and refers to the future. In this same chapter, the major causes of poor budgetary plans implementation will be emphasized on. In this chapter, I will also put-up some research work and discussion of At least two (2) to five (5) year budgets of the then Anambra State
Government-their budgets and budgetary procedures and speeches of some of the Governors may also be discussed as the case may be. Effort would be applied to give reference comparison with that of 1995 and 1996 in chapter one to two which filed short of the target by inflation. Other relating literature will also be reviewed in this chapter, thus setting the way in which they will support that most budgets are not properly implement. Implementation of budgetary plans can be affected by inflation and the interest of the leaders-all these will be looked into in this chapter. Chapter three will present the design and methodology which will include the sources of data, interview questions, samples to use and method of investigation too. Chapter four, will analyse the collected data. The questions in the questionnaire will analyse one on one writing numbers and percentage of responses that will affirm to a particular answer presenting all vice versa.
Chapter five will be the last chapter and may bone the findings.









Man, Since the past ages, has been battling with procurements of a reasonable standard of living and the ways of managing his perpetual inadequate. The eventful development of organised Society had to the Institution of government. During the 15th Century, when mercantilism was the order of the, government had right to interfere with the economic process to protect the interest of the nation (as then seen mainly from the view point of international trade) “I, during 18th Century, the phsyio-crate and Adam Smith came with laisesez fair.
This doctrine also suited its own period but the general depression of the 28th Century indicated that it was not after an economic panacea.
It was during the 2oth Century that keynes, come out with own postulation. To be presence during the 1930’s Keynesian economic developed and emphasized “the Cyclical movement of the economy and the need to temper such movement by artificially manipulation the through and the there depressions in the cycle in order to facilitate a better economic order.
Infact, it was the policy implications of Keynesian economics that have contributed to the trends which led to planning and budgeting as a tool in political administration.
Today Nigeria is moving towards the forty fourth year of Independence. Within the previous forty three years, so many budgets have been propounded and announced. Same have been these budget and policies were made to enhance the Nigeria’s Standard of Living which is very lows, as at the time of this study.
Budgets in Nigeria as a whole have traditionally promised to aken the primary Socio-economic problems facing the Nigeria such problems are non availability of food at affordable prices, poor health services, High rate of fuel pump prices, inefficient transport and Communication systems (Network Coverage) and lack of job opportunities for the mushroom army of he unemployed to mention but a few. But the greatest problem facing Nigerians is that the policy and implementation of these budgetary plans have always fallen short of set target.
The 1995/1996 budget either was not an exception. It was set to achieve a “non-inflationary” growth in the economy. But was there inflation in 1995 (if one may ask). The answer is yes. There was twenty-five percent (25%) rate of inflation. Therefore, the budgetary target was not also all achieved in 1996 fiscal year. The 1995 budget on inflation rate rise to 74.3 percent. It means that there is high rate of inflation in 1995. So the 1995 and 1996 budget fell short of the target.

The writer is of the opinion that so many budget have been made in Nigeria as well as in the various states that made up of the Country. Since budgets have made in Nigeria, methods exist in which he budgetary plans were implemented. If one may ask again, these methods are they the proper ways of implementation?. We are yet to know Anambra State has also made so many budgets which were also executed in various methods. In what ways do the State raise its funds is another questions. If all these are to be condensed into one Sent once, this is the study proper Accounting and Budgeting Implementation in Nigeria with particular references to Anambra State.
It must be noted that one of the most distressing and visible aspects of Administrative incapacity in poor countries is the difficulty in implementing budgetary and development plans. All too often, project are bodily conceived, cost and time of completion and under estimated, results are disappointing. There is waste and confusion. The frustration in trying to identify suitable project and carry them to successful completion are seen as a major stumbling block to plan implementation and development in Nigeria.
Inclusive in the problem of this study, are those caused by improper execution of budgetary and poor according of government funds. When good plans are made there is always the problem of implementation, with little examples, we call all visualize what Nigeria as a whole losses as a result of poor implementation. For instance, in 1990, federal government awarded a contract on reconstruction of Ajeokuta steel Company at Niger State.
The original cost of the project was N7.8 billions. This project has been carefully planned what a nice plan but, at the implementation level it was abandoned up till now. Federal government awarded a contract on Dualisation of Benin /Osha /Owerri express road in 1992 the amount of contract was 13 billion, the contract was abandoned. 1994, Federal government awarded a contract on completion of Imo airport in Imo State, but it was abandoned, there are also other project awarded like Anambra / Kaji 1995, the amount involve in the contract was 500 million Federal Government also awarded a contract on expansion of root crop research Institute Umuahia Abia State the amount budgeted on both are 7 million and 25 million, all these are abandoned project there is no need mentioned them, there are many abandoned project in Nigeria they are as a result of not putting effect what has been planned / implementation one thing is clear that in this abandon project the nations wealth are also abandon/wasted mismanagement and poor implementation of what is planned has led the nation wastage of the available resources, which in turn has contributed to the nation economic problem when we, on the other hand talk about the sources of this wasted funds what comes to the mind is the revenue collectors, the revenue collected funds were not accounted for it was revealed some time that they manipulated assessment to enrich the themselves as the expense of revenue, some of them according building and other properties the valve of which for exceeded them normal legitimate salaries “s” now consider again the problem this poses to the nation while revenue collected is ineffectively utilized misappropriated, squandered or embezzled on the long run, the nation bears the burden, since there would not be sufficient funds for the execution of plans and for efficient running of the nation and as a result of this, economic growth tends to be static.

The writer had objectives before selecting a topic. It is clear that many budgets have been made executed in Anambra State, the writer has an intention of scrutinizing the budgets made by the Anambra State Government, finding out how the budgetary plans implementation has effected the economy. If the effect on the economy is bad, finding out ways of ameliorating the bad effects.
The investigator will also look into various ways of batter implementation of budgetary plans. Searching related literature, especially those of the other developing Countries and finding out ways through which budgetary implementation can be best effected. The writer will also look into ways of ensuring that a majority if not all, of the government revenue collected on its behalf is properly accounted for, to eliminate improper accounting government fund budgetary plans and implementation of those plans effect the State as a whole, its rate of growth and the decision making processes of its government.

Things are difficult these days. The Nigeria economy is not well off. The masses are suffering the hard times of these days. This study is directed to finding out ways in which budgetary implementation and proper accounting of government funds affect the economy and how the contribute to the problems of the State when these and fund out, the writer strongly believe that most. If not all, of the State’s economy problems will be ameliorated, at least, the portion contributed by improper accountings and poor implementation of budgetary plans. This study will further educate our present and future.
Planners and the implementers there of on the effect of their responsibilities. When thus aim is achieved the writer believes that both planners and the implementers will go for the better and things for a better Nigeria. This study will also serve as a yardstick for other who will be researching on topic like or relating to the topic of this study.

In every study, hypothesis serve as guide for the researcher in the process of research indeavour and they keep the main line of his study. They tend to serve as “assumed answer to the principal question of the study, the correctness of which he assesses in the Course of his study “6”. Due to the importance of hypothesis in every study, the writer will study the following hypothesis:-
1. That budgetary plans are not properly implemented in Anambra State.
2. That all funds collected for the government are not properly accounted for.

Proper accounting and budgetary implementation in Nigeria is the topic of this study.
The writer when he selected the topic had an intention of examination in details the contents of budgets, for at least, the past two years but because, of lack of time the writer shifted her interest from the contents of the budgets to the project execution part of the budget. Therefore, particular attention were paid to the execution of various project mappep out by the government to execute.
The writer had also intended administering the questionnaires tot he five zones of the State, Awka, Enugu-Ukwu, Nteje, Ogidi and Onisha zone. But because of financial Constraints, she settled just at Awka. Again interview earlier planned was disappointed and could no longer be affected. Therefore the interview question were unanswered. Coming to the distribution of questionnaires the writer found out that not every Tom Dick and Hurry could answer the question, this made her to search for those people who were able to attend tot the questions. This tool most of the writes time and money. On this again, the most disheartening things the writer experienced was the response given to her by some people who were able to answer the questions. Example “I know I can help you, but I will not. The time is not there, or do you want me to leave” do you think I can attend to you ? I don’t have time for such things” the information was given by (I am sorry to mention names) the deputy accountant general of the state, ministry of finance Anambra generally, the writer observed that most of the people who were able to answer the question were always in a haste, moving from one office tot he other.
Apart from the above, the writer experienced Financial problems during the course of this project and again the time for such a project seems to be was able to administers her questionnaires to even more capable hands, who actually know what it means to embark on a project and they responded every fine most of them also elaborated their suggestions in the questionnaires.

ABANDONED PROJECTS: Project which have been started, but because of poor budgetary implementation and lack of adequate fund, they were not completed.
ALLOTMENT: An internal allocation of funds on a periodic basis, usually agreed upon by the department and the Chief executive or his representative.
BETTERMENT: An addition made to, or change made in, a fixed asset which is expected to prolong it life or to increase its efficiency over and also over that arising form maintenance and the cost of which is therefore added to the book value of he asset improvement.
BUDGET: A plan of Financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditure for a given period or purpose and the proposed means of financing them.
BUDGETARY IMPLEMENTATION: This involves the actual execution of the plans set out in the budget.
BUDGET DOCUMENT: This is a document the consists of the budget message, budget summary statement and the draft of the ordinance.
BUDGET MESSAGE: A general discussion of the proposed budget presented either in writing by the budget making authority before the legislative body.
CONTROL ACCOUNT: This is an account that ascertains the arithmetical accuracy of a particular of a particular ledger. Under this control account individual accounts are recorded and at the end of the period, the balance is them carried to the other side of the account.
Estimated Revenue Account in the budget.
Appropriation is also a control account comprising of all the estimated expenditure account in the budget.
CURRENT BUDGET: Budget prepared for the succeeding fiscal year or, this is the approved budget in force during the current fiscal year. It is assumed that the budget is prepared sand adapted before the beginning of the year to which it relates.
DEFICIT: The excess of estimated expenditure over the estimated revenue in the budget.
DISBURSEMENT: Sum of money paid out.
ESTIMATE CLERK: One who has the duty of recording the decisions of the treasury department in England during the preparation of budget.
ESTIMATED REVENUE: If the account are kept on accrual basis, this is the amount of revenue estimated to accrue during a given period. If on whether or not they are all collected during the period. If on cash basis, it is the amount of revenue estimated to be collected during a given period.
EXPENDITURE ACCRUAL: This is the total changes incurred whether paid or unpaid, including expenses, provision for retirement of debt not reported as a liability of he fund from which capital out lays are made.
CASH: The term covers only actual disbursement for these purpose.
FINANCIAL YEAR: The annual period (a period of twelve months) to which the budget refers – January to December.
GOVERNMENT: This came from the word govern, which means to control or direct he public affairs of a country. Government is a body that ahs this responsibility.
IMPLEMENTERS: Somebody who helped the writer in the administration of the questionnaires to the various offices, the writer could not get to, herself.
LAISSEZ FAIRE: An economic doctrine which did not believe in the intervention of the economic process.
PLANNERS: That are responsible for the formulation and drafting of the budgetary plans
POLICIES: Plans of actions, statement of aims and ideals especially one made by government.
PROGRAM BUDGETING: This is budgeting system that has been designed to follow a sequence of execution stipulating how much to spent on each project execution and the expected return from such spending.
REVENUE EXPENDITURE: An expenditure whose benefit be received in a period in which the expenditure is made in contrast with an expenditure for a fixed asset, capital expenditure, on the other hand is expenditure that result in acquisition of or addition to fixed assets.
UNALLOTTED APPROPRIATION: Part of the appropriation account that has been allotted out, especially, where disbursements are to be made through allotments.
UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS: This is characterised largely as a balancing figure. The difference between estimated revenue and appropriation.
It could also means that portion of the surplus of a given fund which is not segregated for specific purposes.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Bank Financing Small Scale Business Unit) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.