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Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor

5 Chapters
33 Pages
4,215 Words
Mechanical Engineering

Complete Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


In the society at large Technology is fast replacing the crude method of carrying out work and has been making room for employment. Besides, it has also caught the attention of the youths who will prefer to work in a company with technological operations than one with man-power operations. This project can be used to convey materials ranging from those in powdery forms grit forms, and stones in the size of crushed granites. If applied to the foundry technology practical (sand mould) under gone by the department. The lecture will experience ease in carrying out his lecture as well as satisfaction since there would not be lack of sand as this can be seen to, by an attendant and the lectures will have all the student of the Department in attendance.


Title page ii
Little of transmittal iii
Release iv
Signature v
Approval vi
Dedication vii
Acknowledgement viii
Table of content ix
Abstract xi

1.1 Introductions 1
1.2 Description of the screw conveyor 2

2.1 Mode of operation 4
2.2 Material selections 6

3.1 design 7
3.2 design analysis 7
3.3 principle of operation 9
3.4 capacity of the screw conveyor 10
3.5 sequence of operation/ construction 11

4.1 assembling of the conveyor 37
4.2 cost analysis 38

5.1 conclusions 41
5.2 recommendations 41
5.3 references 42


This is any of various devices that provide mechanized movement of materials as in a factory; they are used principally in industrial applications but also on large forms in warehousing and freight handling, and in movement of law materials. They may be only a few meters in length or they may be in regretted systems several miles along.
Also, it could said to be a family of materials handling machine designed to move individual articles of solid.
Free flowing bulk materials over a fixed horizontal, inclined, declined or vertical path of travel with continuous motion.
This is a conveyor consisting of a helical screw that rotates upon a single shaft within a stationary tough or casing, and which can move bulk material along a horizontal, inclined or vertical plane. It is also known as AUGER CONVEYOR, SPIRAL CONVEYOR. AND WORM CONVEYOR.
The idea to build this project dawned on us during our practical on the course January technology. We (the students) in ought in sand for a mould practical which was screened by the lecturer and the appropriate ones selected for the practical to be carried out.
This project is necessary because it will did the lecturer in his lesson as well as stop the stress being put on students to go out and dig up sand for the practical.
The need for this project is to convey sand lactated in a strong facility through the conveyor to the point of use. These builds up on eagerness or learn in the students with the project being a point of interest.

Screw conveyors consist of revolving shafts with a continuous or broken spiral fighting that operates insides a casing. This is powered by an electric motor and suitable gearing, the screw conveyor usually operates in one direction only to move fine bulk material such as meal, seed, coal, etc from one point to another point.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Construction Of A Screw Conveyor With A Single Phase Electric Motor) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.