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Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner

7 Chapters
34 Pages
3,433 Words
Industrial Chemistry

Complete Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


This project which is on the design and fabrication of a two face gas burner is a brief exploration on the various ways and means of designing, construction, operating the two face gas burner, putting cost into consideration for economic advantage. Herein are brief information and literature on gas burner. The properties of the constructional feature and their preference in construction are described. The combustion reaction resulting to the heat liberated is also given. Also, the practical approach in making the construction of a two face gas burner up to this standard is also given and recommendation to improve on the standard is also included in this report.


Title page
Release page
Letter of transmittal
Signature page
Approval page
Table Of Contents

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Specification of problem
1.4 Component parts and their functions

2.1 Description of combustion devices
2.2 Pre mix or nozzle air blast burner
2.3 Mode of operation
2.4 Flame
2.5 Ultimate analysis
2.6 Requirement of the gas

3.1 Properties
3.2 Mid steel
3.3 Brass
3.4 Cast iron
3.5 Hose
3.6 Copper pipe

4.1 Tools and equipment used
4.2 Sequence of manufacturing

5.1 Front view
5.2 Plan
5.3 Side view

6.1 Design cost
6.2 Material cost
6.3 Machine cost
6.4 Total cost

7.1 Safety precautions
7.2 Testing of the device
7.3 Recommendation
7.4 Conclusion
7.5 References


The construction of a two-face gas burner as a project topic that we embark upon become necessary as a way of way of putting into application the engineering and technological knowledge acquired so far. It is a starting point of actualizing a functional technology in the country. Irrespective of the fact that there are several breads of gas burners in the market, especially the ones imported, we deemed it necessary to work further on it as a way of modifying the brand with cast not left out in such modification.

The development of simple gas burner started in the eighteen countries when people began to use coal gas for burning. The application was fast put into practice by William Mulock who designed the simple gas cooker to be used in his office, home and workplace
The first experimental gas cooker was made and in use in 1850. The improvement of this has multiplied greatly and is up to date widely used in homes, restaurants and large catering establishments. The different types of gas cookers available in the in the market are based on skills and techniques of the designer or producer.
Based on the nature of energy supply, some gas cookers are made up of combustion devices of an electric heating element. The well-constructed ones are properly adapted and form an integral combustion of which of which they generate and utilize heat. It is often quite different to draw a line where heat generation stops and where heat utilization starts in a fuel forced cooker. That is the fuel fired cooker being on the pack in the market these days.
The releasing of heart starts with mixture of air and fuel gas in the nozzle and combustion of the mixture to release heart takes place at the burner.

In the course of fabricating the two-face gas burner, as a copied project with some propose modification, some condition which ought to be met are found as a standard of comparison with the already existing ones. This posed a difficulty in the course of this construction. Since choice between already existing gas cooker lies on service available, durability, connivance cost.
The following specifications were considered a problem when we started the design.
How to fabricate a two-face gas burner that will occupy the minimum space in the kitchen was a problem. A two-face gas burner that is easily to be met in met in our design.
2. To construct a two-face gas burner that will be safe to any prospective user.
3. To constructs a two-face gas burner that will be easy to maintain and wise gas will be free from unpleasant smell.
4. To construct a two-face gas burner whose source of energy (fuel) will be local.

1. Burner chamber
2. Linkage pipe
3. Hose
4. Gas Cylinder (containing gas valve)
5. Angle bar (material)
6. Control knob or valve
7. Connection pipe for gas flow
8. Nut
9. Rod.
THE BURNER: This being the main component where combustion takes place to release heat. There is gas delivery line, which leads to it in addition to an adjustment to control the rate of atmospheric air mixing with the natural gas
LINKAGE PILE: This is the pipe line through which natural gas flow to the burner. One is lined along the frame of the burner as seen.
THE GAS CYLINDER: This is the component of the gas burner that containing the gas fuel through which a hose as connected to the copper pipe of the burner through the gas passes to the burner for combustion.
THE ANGLE BAR: This was used in constructing the frame of the gas burner.
HOSE: This serves as a link between the copper tubing and the control value of the burner.
CONTROL KNOB OR VALVE: It is a essential component of the gas burner and it is used to regulate the volume or amount of natural gas flowing to the burner.
MILD STELL PLATE this is used as a covering or a wall for the gas burner. It also serves as a seat for the values.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Construction Of Two Face Gas Burner) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.