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Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter

5 Chapters
70 Pages
8,363 Words
Electrical Electronics Engineering

Complete Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


A 1.25KVA (2000W) inverter generator was designed, constructed and certified Ok.
In this project, the design of the inverter generator is aimed at satisfying the need of converting, a D.C source of supply (12v battery) to an A.C voltage of 220v.
The inverter range of output is between 200-220v.
Since the inverter was designed to step-up voltage, the power transformer is being used as step-down transformer for charging and as step-up transformer for inverting.
The control circuit ensures appropriate switching of the input voltage from mains supply to the taping of the transformer for charging.


Title Page
Acknowledgement Sample
Dedication Sample
Table Of Content

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Analysis/ Review Of Existing System
1.2 Aims And Objectives
1.3 Scope/Limit Of The Project
1.4 Application

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Brief Review Of Principle Behind This Project
2.2.1 Capacitor
2.2.2 Resistors
2.2.3 Relays
2.2.4 Transistor
2.2.5 Diode
2.2.6 Switches
2.2.8 Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amp)
2.2.9 Transformer
2.2.10 A.C Volatge Meter
2.2.11 Cd 4047 (Multivibrator)
2.2.12 Mosfet

3.0 Mode Of Operation And Basic Components Used

3.1 Methodology 1
3.1.2 Regulator
3.1.3 Control Logic
3.1.5 Phase Splitter
3.1.6 Driver Section
3.1.7 Step-Up Transformer
3.1.8 Output Stage
3.2 Methodology 2
3.2.1 Input Stage
3.2.2 Isolating Relay
3.2.3 Step Down Transformer
3.2.3 Rectifier Circuit Via Mosfet
3.3 Theory And Calculation Of Tranformer
3.4 Core Dimension

4.0 Construction Testing And Result

4.1 Problems Encountered

5.0 Conclusion

5.1 Recommendation


Electrical power being one of the basic criteria for the measurement of development in a country is a basic necessity. It is the responsibility of any responsible government to provide stable cheap and uninterrupted power supply to its citizens through the provision of adequate electrical infrastructures.
Since the advent of the first electricity, generator, many other forms of generators has been developed for the conversion of various forms of energy into electricity.
These includes hydro power generator in hydro power stations, gasoline and diesel fired generators, as turbine generators, solar generators steam turbine generators, wind turbine generators and fuel all electric power generators.
All the above forms of generator have proved potent but due to disadvantage or drawbacks or one lead to the reinvention of another.
All those generators mentioned above are
1. Difficult to set up (gas plant)
2. Expensive to run (fuel, gas)
3. Time consuming
4. Noise during operation (generators)
5. Pollution to the environment
When all these were put into consideration, the invention of inverters became necessary, due to it’s following features as listed below;
Small in size
Easy to set up
Less expensive
Noise free
Environmentally friendly
The inverter is an aspect of electronics engineering known as “power electronics” meaning using electronics as a medium to generate power (electricity). An inverter is a DC to AC converter device that is more efficient in operation. Hence, in advanced countries the use of solar panels is being employed to convert radiant energy, the batteries for effective operation of the inverter.
As the saying goes “necessity is the mother of invention” Therefore, the need for inverter has become necessary in a country like Nigeria to help boost power supply so as to enhance economic growth of the people and the entire nation at large.

The unantomated inverter is not really an inverter is just made up of circuit computation via transistors and transformer to produce an A.C voltage.
Most foreign inverters are low power inverters that cannot withstand a load up of 12.5KVA due to the use of some fragile components. E.g BJT transistor.
Some local technicians can construct an inverter with no control i.e. some additional features to enhance the performance of the inverter during operation.

This project is designed to improve on the existing system by not only having in place those thing is some of the existing one like automatic trip off when battery voltage drops, fully charge, cut off when the battery has reached its peak voltage, the use of MOSFET, as rectifier is to charge the battery (in built charge).

The design of this project is limited to input voltage of about 12V capable of delivering circuit ranging from 45A to 60A D.C.
Although it can be extended further but for higher capacity the input voltage should be increased so as to minimize the current.
The effect of this is that, the higher the current, the larger the cross sectional area of conductors that will be used.
This project can withstand a load range from 0-2000w, 50HZ between 220-240v output.
A load of 2000W cannot be attain due to some losses from various part of the design such as transformer looses. 2000W is the power at no load.

This project can be used to supply A.C of 200-220V from an input voltage of 12V D.C provided the input current does not rise above 15A, when a load of 700W is applied.


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Project Structure

The introduction of Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Design And Construction Of A 2000W Inverter) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.