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Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger

5 Chapters
31 Pages
3,579 Words
Electrical Electronics Engineering

Complete Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


Approval Page
Table Of Content

1.1 Introduction

2.1 Emitter
2.2 Base
2.3 Collector
2.4 Transistor Biasing
2.5 Important Biasing Rule
2.6 Transistor Currents
2.7 Summing Up
2.8 Transformer fundamentals

3.0 Features of the Device
3.1 Dc supply unit
3.2 Inverter Unit
3.3 Step up Transformer Unit
3.4 Filter Unit
3.5 Triggering Unit
3.6 Battery Charging Unit
3.7 Switching Unit
3.8 Design
3.9 Inverter
3.10 Operation of the Device
3.11 General Circuit Diagram

4.1 Packaging

5.1 Performance of the Designed
5.2 Power Inverter
5.3 Reference


All modern engineering system include certain aspects of control systems at some point in their broadcast sense, control engineering and the associated theory are concerned with the means by which systems may be made to behave an a desired way.
The system on this thesis is a DC – AC converter, which is an apparatus which is used for conversion of Direct Current to Alternating Current or signal.
In our country, this equipment is not all that in used not because it is not important but because people never give it a thought as per the construction and design.
It is meant, use with a 12v lead acid battery. If it’s in a car for example a suitable output voltage of 230v AC is obtainable.
This output voltage of 230v AC can be used for powering small electrical appliances such as light, electric fans, radio, soldering iron etc.
However, it is worthwhile that AC operated with this appliance is nothing comparable to the AC generated by big generators. This is so because the voltage and power are less in terms of AC generation duration. This appliance is therefore suitable for short time replacement for the real AC generation especially in the remote areas and install where electrical appliances are sold and the need might arise for it to be tested and certified good.
Another main area where this equipment can be of great utility is in communication system. in a situation where there is constant AC power supply failure e.g in offices, DC – AC converter is need and in such cases can be used as a light sources.
Most industries in the country do not make use of DC – AC converter because they are thought to be costly with respect to the task they perform. However, putting into consideration the task this appliance can be used for, it can be concluded that it is cheaper. The construction is simple, cheaper easy to operate and portable. The usefulness of this device and the function cannot to be over emphasize now in our economic situation and also when our power generating authority (NEPA) has been dubbed NEVER EXPECT POWER ALWAYS.
In these times when control and monitor a complex field engineering operations have gone computer based, a failure of AC power supply to communication equipment means work stoppage and to some small scale industries a lot of economic and material losses avoidable. To this end, the equipment (DC-AC Converter) is incorporated to an impulse sealer machine which has about 3 sections where the,
First stage is of the dimmer switch with regulates, the rate at which the power flow is needed. The second stage being the main switch(s) which controls the primary side, secondary side of the transformer, the stage 3 comprise of the element made of construction wire which does or finishes the work needed for the machine.
The specific area of application are :-
1. In a building where a specific amount of power supply is needed
2. In a small scale industry
3. In overhead water storage tanks in our home
4. In a telecommunication office.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Design And Construction Of A DC To AC Power Inverter Incorporated With An Automatic Switch Over Battery Charger) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.