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Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication

5 Chapters
67 Pages
9,631 Words
Business Administration

Complete Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


The research on the effects of motivation on workers in the public sector with particular reference to the Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (NITEL) Enugu state was intended to determine motivation in the NITEL, Enugu.
In conducting the research therefore, references were made to source including some related literature.
Furthermore, questionnaire and interview method were extensively employed to gather the necessary data for the study. This was supported with other forms of collecting data such as personal observation. Although getting information through some of these sources was not easy, the research therefore acknowledges that there were some limitations which in one way the other affected the findings of the research.
After the collection of data, table was used to present, analyze and interprets the data. At the end some findings based on the data were made which among other things are that the NITEL, Enugu has insufficient motivational variables such as provision of housing facilities bus services for the staff e.t.c which motivates worker to perform efficiently.
Also observed was that promotion exercising in the organization lives much to be desired. Often times this is done without talking merit criteria into consideration, other consideration such as loyalty and favoritism also more promotion in the organization coup led with this there is inadequate trained men power to help achieve the objectives for which the organization was set up.
Based on the funding, recommendations were drawn including conclusions for important.




Title page
Approach page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Purpose of the study
1.3 Statement of the problem
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Significant of the study
1.6 Definitions of terms

2.1 Preview of related literature
2.2 Motivation through effective leadership
2.3 The motivation factors

3.1 Research design
3.2 Areas of study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure
3.5 Instrument for data collection
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Methods of data collection or administration of instrument
3.9 Methods of data analysis

4.1 Data presentation and analysis

5.0 Discussions, Implication, Recommendation & Conclusions.
5.1 Discussion of finding
5.2 Implications
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Conclusions
5.5 Limitations of study


Motivation of this research is the overall provision of these individual needs that spurred them to any ambition. Such need include the need for higher pay, a perspiration title a name on the office door, the acclaim of colleagues and a host of other things that gives people a reason to perform.
The federal government as well as the money amount of the corporation has introduced a lot of innovation for the effective functioning of the corporation. The former posts and Telecommunication ( P&T) and the Nigerian External Telecommunication (NET) were incorporation into one department on 1st January 1985, and by June 1985 too, the department was split into NITEL and NIPOST ( Nigeria’s postal services). These moves were to make the organizations independents and result oriented.
Again, towards improving Nigeria’s Telecommunications system, the federal government of Nigerian spent huge sums of money in order to achieve this goal in 1989 alone, the federal government allocated the sum of N20 million to the organization for the procurement of communication equipment.
Furthermore, the management in order to bring workers into the realm of policy making has introduced the system of management by objective (MBO) whereby workers could participate in decision making the federal government too, upgraded the workers by placing them on universal salary with the hope of improving their lot thereby encouraging them perform effectively.
Also in order to improve the image of the organization was before the genera, a public relations department was created in 1967 and given night state the head of public relation money (PRM) is a very senior management positions within the Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (NITEL) in it’s zonal headquarters in Enugu.
All those various measures were introduced at the NITEL in order to improve the services in the organization. Research finding indicate that own the lowest employee needs esteem and self actualization although the levels of there needs might not be the same with various individuals.
Motivation of employees in essence increases their morals there by leading to the company’s productivity.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of motivation on workers in the Nigeria Telecommunication Limited (NITEL) Enugu.

The Nigeria Telecommunication limited (NITEL) at Enugu has been facing a lot of problem. In the territorial land zonal headquarters located at Enugu, as lot of things have been missing. The cable of the corporation which were procured at way high cost mostly sought. This incessant missing of cables and some other virtual equipment which included, telephones caused a great confusion to the policy makers in the organization.
There were familiarity relations between the staff and customers the staff and customers at the corporation in such a way that same members of made demands before or after rendering services to there customers.
Many times at the Nigeria Telecommunication Limited (NITEL), Enugu, flies missed and surface later.
There was also problem of misuse of facilities available to the corporation. Some members of staff of the NITEL made free calls to their friends and relatives thereby lowering the profitability of the corporations.
Again, some beneficiaries of promotion exercise obtained it whether they were proved productive or not. Lack of space parts for the corporations machines also has militated against the functioning of NITEL. Other exodus of inexperienced employees, inadequate financial support, managerial incompetence. Some cashiers in the organization render inaccurate accounts to the organization in a bid to defraud the organizations. There are also the problems of indebt or ness to NITEL.
Some subscribers refuse to pay their bills under the pretence of non – receipt of bills. Again E. Mbonu in “sustain that the corporation is constrained by the problems of absenteeism and employee turnover on the part of the workers.
Furthermore, the expensive mature of the corporations equipment’s has added more to the existing problems. Almost all the equipment’s have been imported
Kolade (1989) stated that “it is lack of motivation on the part of management that brings inefficiency and unproductively NITEL’s strive towards meeting subscribers expectations has always been made impossible with the countless damage by those carrying out construction work along routes.

Will the moral of workers in public sector be influenced through occasional financial award?
Is the promotion of workers in public sector a means through which their effort is recognized?
Will free bus service to staff contribute to low absenteeism and early to work/
Has poor remuneration contributed to the low productivity of workers
Has inadequate infrastructural facilities hampered development of the organization?
Could the low productivity recorded in the public sectors be attributed to the lack of motivation in the organization?

The finding of this study would be useful to the managers in the NITEL and the public sector generally as a guide to the formulation of police’s relating to workers welfare.
The study would also be of much significance to the reader. The reader will be able to realize the significance of motivation in an organization and how it help to improve the productivity of workers especially in the public sector.
In case of other organization in the Nigeria a public sector this study would also help them in the formulation of strategies that will improve the welfare of their workers thereby making them more productive.
To the government generally, the study would assist them in formulating and periodically reviewing their various policies and plans especially as they effect workers in the Nigerian public sector.

The overall provision of these individual needs that spurred them to enter an organization and work effectively towards the increase of organic rational goal.

Those who produce or transform goods and services for their own consumption and for that of others.
Systematic process of attributing the behaviour our employees to increase organizational goals
Circumstances in which something is lacking or requiring some course of action.
The art of using men, money and material resources to achieve organizational goals.
Groups of person authorized to act as in individuals for business purposes.

Group of assistant working together under a manager or head.

Communication by cables, telegraphs, telephones, radio and televisions.
Uncertainly occurrence.
The action of gratifying to the full or by contending by the complete fulfillment of a desire.
Something known or assured as fact and made the basis of reasoning or it is the raw material through which we get information.

The art or science of constructing telegraphs.
The need that is based on real capacity, achievement and the of others.
A need to do what one is best suited for to achieve at the level of one’s hugs potential to become everything one is capable of becoming.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Effect Of Motivation On Workers In The Public Sector In Telecommunication) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.