Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry
(A Case Study Of Pz Industries Aba)
Complete Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):
This study is concerned with the effect of material coding and classification in the store management, with a particular reference to pz industry Aba. The introduction part gives a brief account of the meaning of coding and classification in the organization and how the organization come into existence and product they deal with. Also the general overview the problem objectives of the study, significance of the study, research question, limitation of the study, operational definition of terms. The chapter two reviews of related literature and how important they are in the organization. Chapter three is devoted in methodology and chapter four shows the discussion of findings associated with the research work. The discussion on findings were made with the view in lighting a sound basis for some possible solution. Chapter five witnessed the climax of the research rounded up by summarizing and concluding all the findings during the investigation. She finalized by giving some recommendation which is in the mind.
Title page
Approval page
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.4 Research Question
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Scope Of The Study
1.7 The Limitation Of The Study
1.8 Definition Of Terms
2.1 Literature Review
2.2 Store Vocabulary
2.3 Types Of Store Coding
2.4 Importance Of Good Codinig System
2.5 Method Of Coding
2.6 Principle Covering System Of Symbolization
3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 The Questionnaire
3.3.1 Multiple Question
3.3.2 Dichotomous Question
3.4 Sources And Method Of Data Collection
3.4.1 Primary Source
3.4.2 Secondary Source
3.5 Population And Sample Size
3.6 Sampling Technique
3.7 Validation And Reliability Of The Instrument
3.8 Method Of Data Analysis
4.0 Analysis And Presentation Of Data
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analysis Of Data
4.3 Interpretation Of Results
5.0 Summary , Conclusion And Recommendation
5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Any organization both private and public need efficient management for its survival and success. Therefore, efficient management is very necessary especially as technology is changing in task and population inflation is bound . all these factors are increasing geometrically as against source resources . for an efficient management requirement, the coordination of all functional units of any organization towards the realization of its goals , hence purchasing and supply is inclusive. However for you to have an efficient purchasing when the buyer purchases the required quality and quantity of raw materials supplies part tooling equipments etc at the right time, from the right source to the right place and at the right price.
This can be achieved when the right person who have passed through some steps in obtaining the required the need for the recognition, the store manager recognized the need for the use of stores vocabulary or catalogues. Therefore, the success of any material control or management of interest is highly depended on the system adopted for effective coding and classification of materials.
With this background on the effects of material coding and classification in manufacturing industry, the store manager has arranged these materials on logical line for easy identification.
Peterson Zochoias Plc formally known as Peterson Zochoias industries limited, which was incorporated on the 4th December, 1965 under the name of P.B Nicholas Company limited to stake out the soap making activities of Mr. P.B Nicholas who had some years prior to the date established a factory for that purpose.
In 1951, Mr. P.B Nicholas sold out his interest in the company to PZ . two years later the company changed its name to Algbon industries limited in 1990. Following the merger of PZ and company nigeri limited associated industries limited in 1976,. The company changed its name to Peterson Zochoias Nig Plc.
It is patient to the role that after incorporation in 1948, new factory building were erected and in 1948 modern saop making equipment were installed are ABA . these by creating one of the earlier major industries manufacturing facilities.
In 1960 soap making introduction of wide range of perfuming cosmetics and medicinal product were added, the industry also have outlets in Ilupeju estate near, Lagos. Pz exist in refreshing their customers , partner with lives of their local customers, they produced and sell unique brands which bring pleasure to million of consumers around the worked everyday. The basis of their preposition in business is simple.
In carrying out this function of PZ industries, production of many interest is required. The pz company, having recognizing the need for proper and store manager and also established a purchasing unit charge with the responsibility of supplier selection, ordering , progressing, acquisition and producing these materials. The store manager including his personal was charge with the responsibility of storing inspecting and developing system for effective identification coding and classification of the materials in the store house of their organization as their first responsibility.
The stores manager of pz industries in his effort to meet up his first responsibilities of effective identification and coding of materials has grouped all the materials required, purchased and produced. The purchasing and most department are critical areas where the system must provide consistent and unamigous identification and coding materials.
The stores managers of pz Nigeria through his grouping of materials has arranged these materials on logical line for easy identification thereby avoiding errors in locating, ordering issuing etc of items of stock in the organization. The code appears in all document relating to the movement and the use of materials and use marked against appropriate line and racks, with these recognition, the store manager recognized the need for the use of store vocabulary or catalogues therefore, the success of any material control or management of interest highly depends on the system adopted for effective coding and classification of materials stored.
The pz industries limited is faced with the following problems:
The problem of inconsistency in classification of materials in the stores section. For instance, there is a section of spinning it has been transferred to the administrative stores.
Secondly, lack of section that takes adequate care of the organization stores vocabulary.
Lastly, the pz industry is faced with the problem of selecting good organizational structure , effective coordination of duties and method of selection of staff.
In order to carry out a complete investigation, the researcher tends to confront the following objectives or purposes:
1. to examine the impact of inconsistent coding and classification.
2. to enumerate the need for the use of effective and efficient coding system
3. to identify the limitations to materials coding and classification.
4. to offer useful suggestion to management towards the application of the various method and techniques of coding and classification of materials.
5. to assess the organization on the use of coding materials
In order to carry out a complete investigation on the subject matters the researcher has come out with the following questions. They are:
1. what advantages are attributed to as efficient coding system
2. what extent have coding simplified specification and standardization of materials in pz industries plc.
3. what is the importance of stores vocabulary in the organization
4. how methods of coding are being used in the organizations
The research believes that the project will succeeds in through more height on one subject matter.
It will also go a long way in picking the conscience of all who have or assumed responsibilities of materials coding and classification of purchased material in manufacturing industry with particular reference to pz industries Nigeria plc.
The significance of the study drives one need of coding following ways.
1. it will help the researcher to appreciate the need of coding and classification in private organization.
2. to the company , it will highlight that a purchasing manager and other manager in different organization will benefit by knowing that some material that are stored in the store of warehouse will be easy to be identified or located because of the coding and classification system.
3. it will provide employment opportunity for many people and also foster communication between the store managers and the worker.
4. finally students or anybody that does not have an idea of the use of coding system if come across this project so that he/she will have the knowledge of it.
Materials coding and classification is a wide area of study and scope of this study will be restricted to the purchase department of pz industries plc, in the respect , emphasis will be placed on examining the present system of the coding and classification and also identification of items.
A researcher will also cover a wider range of study on the assessment of the need of coding item on private form and other organization. The researcher finds it appropriate to study a very representation are well known firm and draw a generalization accordingly.
This study will also be interest in focusing attention on the existing problems relating to coding and classification of interest and also make communication on possible means of eliminating the problem.
The writers tends to cover the needs for materials coding and identification in a manufacturing industry with particular reference in pz industries plc. In carrying out this research project the researcher was conformed to various limitation
1. financial constraints: due to the hard economic situation enough finance that should have allowed most diversified research wasn’t available.
2. time constraint: the researcher combines his class work with research itself. This made the researcher to exercise a very high schedule. As she had no transport herself. The problem becomes worse.
3. transportation: transportation problem, posed a big treat to the project. The researcher wasted much time for xi and may secede only to get her point of call very late.
4. other factors that limited this study were there are scarcity of store management texts by Nigerian authorities in this country this made references in previous works very difficult.
Coding: coding is a system of writing in which letters or numbers or combination of both is used to reduce lengthy words into small space.
Stock catalogue: it is a booklet containing the list and description of every item normally carried in inventory .
Inventory: it is a detailed list example of house hold goods is furniture carried in stores.
Stock: block or goods kept by a trader ir shopkeeper supply or equipment, stock or materials..
NIV: not in vocabulary, these are items that are used included in he organization coding system
Store vocabulary: this is a book or file that contains code number of all the items held in stock and its full description.
Suppliers code: this is where the stores employ the coding system of the suppliers of the goods.
Black coding: this is the assignment of numbers of sequence by group of various sizes can consist of any quality of number necessary to cover the item in a particular classification.
Code symbol: this is the symbol used either in alphabetical e.g UNESCO . numerical e.g 29/08/1981. Alphabetical e.g exc/p/084.
Colour coding: this is s system whereby colours are used ti identify items held in stock. This type of coding is mainly used in the lumber yards for making timbers and also in oil companies for making different types if pipe and chemicals stored in drums or tanks.
Nature of the items: this system is widely used by the most companies, with this system items are classified and coded according to their basic nature.
Code formulation: the mechanism of stores code depends on the needs of the particular firm under consideration as it is quite impossible to formulate a system that can be applied to every situation.
End used coding: this is a system where by items are arranged and stored according to the user department
Stock records: this is a system of maintaining a formal set of documents or clerical records which contain full particulars of individual stock item held within the stores.
Store: is an area in an organization were various kinds of materials needed for production , distribution, maintenance , packaging and general administration are received in, stored and issued out on demand.
The introduction of Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings
Literature Review of Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps
Methodology of Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project
Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results
The discussion section of Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings
The conclusion of Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.
References should List all the sources cited in Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Effects Of Material Coding And Classification In Store Management In Manufacturing Industry) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.