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Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies

(Case Study Of Polytechnics In Enugu Urban)

5 Chapters
65 Pages
7,743 Words
Office System Management

Complete Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


This research work was carried out to survey the effects of poor instructional facilities in the department of secretarial studies in polytheism in Enugu state. And the purpose of the study is:
1. To identify the instructional facilities in the department of secretarial studies of the two institutions.
2. to identify the instructional material s needed in the department.
3. to find out the adequacy of those available
4. to find out the effects of those not available.
In line with this, questionnaires were administered. It was discovered that poor instruction facilities affects the secretarial students and the only facilities used are the manual typewriter, electronic typewriter, and computer. Also the low performance of students secretaries was associated to poor instructional facilities as they desire more for effectiveness and efficiency. On the course, there is need for good facilities which is indely recognized in the department of secretarial studies as necessary facilities enhances the secretarial students. In recommendations the available equipments should be provided as they will contribute to the life span of the secretarial programme. Also that the institutions management, government and non-governmental bodies should see to the provision of the instructional facilities in the department as this enhance effectiveness and efficiency.


Title Page
Table Of Content
List Of Tables

1.0 Background Of The Study

1.1 Statement Of Problem
1.2 Purpose Of Study
1.3 Significance Of The Study
1.4 Scope Of The Study
1.5 Research Question
1.6 Hypotheses

2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 Summary Of Related Literature

3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Design Of The Study
3.2 Area Of The Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Method Of Data Collection
3.5 Method Of Data Analysis

4.0 Presentation And Analysis Of Data
4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Analysis Of Data
4.3 Findings

5.0 Discussion, Implication And Recommendation

5.1 Discussions Of Result
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implications Of The Results
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestion For Further Research
5.6 Limitations Of The Study


Poor to the present day secretary which is consequently upon the advent of the European missionaries, there were records and record keeping of events that took place within that period. During these period different types and methods of secretary services (Not modem) existed. In Egypt instance, where civitization started, there were local drums to convey messages in the community and in Akan kindom of Ghana, messages were represented by carving woods (Hassan, 1998). More over, most of the records of events in West Africa before the coming of the missionaries were oral. The coming of the missionaries to Nigeria in 1842 changed the course of events in this direction. The whife man’s first coming in Badagry in 1942 with the establishment of schools, churchs, and small scale business oriented enterprises led to the successful accomplishment of this mission and through administration the modern seccetary existed. (Fouler 1980 “Todays secretary”).
A secretary is an indispensable asset to any organization or establishment in which their importance and sensitive position can never be over emphasized. They play major roles in both the private and government establishment. Most of the secretaries are trained in the tertiary institutions of learning in Nigeria, especially the polytheism
The history of the polythecnics in training secretaries has assumed greater roles in recent times considering the special nature of secretarial course, peculiar instrument or equipment are normally used in secretarial training. What are those equipments that makes a graduate of secretarial studies uncomfortable and unprepared to face squardy the challenges of the job and office automation as a result of technological advanement. A secretary has to grow with technology in order not to be displayed from his/her job.
The institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu as one of the Institute to be studied is one of the reputable institution that trains secretarial students. This institution came into existence in 1973 after two colleges, the college of technology and the institute of administration were merged to form the institute of management and technology (IMT). Before the marging of the two colleges, this two institutions were involved in training secretaries; and has produced more than 8,000 graduate since its existence (IMT edit 1975).
Also our saviour institute of science, Agriculture and technology (OSISATECH), With the enactment of the then Anambra state government edit number 18 of 1989, the institute was legally established and lectures started in the institute on 6th November, 1990. in December 1991, the National Board for technical education (NBTE) gave approval for the institution (OSISATECH) to admit the student into the programme. And in 1992, secretarial studies together with some other department, example; mass-communication, food –technology etc started the National Diploma programme; and was planned that the Higher National Diploma (HND) programme in secretarial studies will commence by the year 2001.
Now, the fact is though regrettable, most of the tertiary institutions today, mostly IMT and OSISATECH secretarial department, are consequently left with incredible poor financial base to the extent that they find if difficult to meet the cost of providing the required instructional facilities for their students.
In view of this, poor instructional facilities under secretarial services and production of experienced secretaries. Also the manipulative skill required, would be kaking due to inadequate poor equipment mostly in polytechnics in Enugu state which are the institute of management and technology (IMT) and our saviors institute of science, Agriculture and technology (OSISATECH). Enugu.

Secretarial studies programme in our polythecnics is in a poor state. Due to the poor state of our economy, the programme lacks the required materials and equipment for effective academic instructions. Most of the typing pools of these instructions still mentain the old out-dated typewriters, sometimes even those that are available are in a very poor condition as they do not function well.
Some of these departments never thought of the computer and other modern communication gadgets or equipment inspite of the importance of this machines in the modern time, that is why somw secretaries lack adequate knowledge of these required skills. For this reason, they were unable to perform their functions effectively. Thus ditegently due to poor instructional facilities.
What are the consequences of lack of these instructional materials on the secretarial studies programme? This is the task of this study. To find out the effects of poor modern instructional materials of the educational programme of the department of secretarial studies: using IMT and OSISATECH in Enugu state.

Based on the above problems, this study is therefore designed to do the following:-
1. Identify the instructional materials available in the department of secretarial studies of the two institutions.
2. identify the instructional materials needed in the department.
3. find out the adequacy of the those available.
4. find out the effects of those not available on the programme.

This research work just like every study is significance to the extent that it will enable the department of secretarial studies to look into the poor instructional facilities in the department and help the secretarial studies student like wise the lectures to be conversant with the relevant facilities.
From this study, the secretarial studies student will know about some of the facilities commonly used in offices and make efforts to purchase them. It will also strengthen the link existing between the employer of labour and the secretarial studies student if this instructional facilities are adequately provided.
Lastly, if these instructional facilities are adequate it will be a pre-requisite for the award of ordinary National Diploma (OND) are the Higher National Diploma (HND).

The scope of this research work is limited to the department of secretarial studies of the institute of management and technology (IMT) and our saviour institute of science, Agriculture and Technology (OSISATECH) Enugu. However the study will be carried out on the final year students and lecturers of both institutions, discussing the effects of poor instructional materials on students performance.

A survey of the effect of poor instructional facilities in the department of secretarial studies and how it affects student:-
The following questions would be ask
1. What are the available instructional materials in the department of secretarial studies of the two institutions?
2. What are the instructional material needed in the department?
3. are the machine available adequate for training students?
4. has non-availability of the modern machine have any effect on the student performance?
HO: There is no significant difference between the mean opinions of lecturers of IMT and OSISATECH on the instructional materials currently used in the department of secretarial studies. (PC 0.05).

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Project Structure

The introduction of Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Effects Of Poor Instructional Facilities In The Department Of Secretarial Studies) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.