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Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution

5 Chapters
41 Pages
5,659 Words

Complete Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


The basic objective situation under this study was the valuation of financial distress in some commercial banks reasons, issues the consequences and solution
This study has been structured into five (5) Chapters to make for easy reading and understanding
Chapter One dealt with the background of the study, the statement of problem, the objective of the study, the research questions, the scope of study, the limitation if study, the significance, rational, definition of terms and assumption of the study base on the country’s economy.
It also gives an insight into the causes of financial distress in Commercial banks and other Financial Institution.
From this, other four Chapters deserved that base from the chapter one in order to confirm the managing distress in Nigerian Banks, the assessment of tackle financial distress, measure laxtant of distress in Nigeria. More also the sources of data and its limitation and findings.
In view of the findings above, recommendations have been made to help tackle the financial distress in some Commercial Banks in Nigeria.



A descriptive study was made about financial distress in some commercial banks using secondary statistics.
This research work designed to describe the financial distress in some Commercial Bank in Nigeria.
The study also took at the follow objective such as; nature and types of financial distress facing source commercial banks, the banks involved.
It was also discovered that distress is caused is a result of poor management, insolvency, low asset base inadequacy of capital e.t.c.
Therefore, commendation such as: Inadequate, Funding, Increased assets base, provisions for adequate liquidity.
Also such research should be done to other non-financial banking institution and other West African Country.



i Title Page
ii Approval Page
iii Dedication
iv Acknowledgement
v Abstract
vi Table of Content

Background of the Study
Statement of Problem
Objective of the Study
Significant of the Study
Delimitation/Limitation of the Study
Delimitation of Terms

Literature Review

Research Design/Methodology
Sources of Data, Primary and Secondary Location Data.

Summary and findings




In Nigerian Banking system considering the last decade the Commercial Banking to be praise had undergone a rapid expansion both in terms of the number of Institution and the scope of financial services rendered.
As bank increasing was liberalized so was the scared of instability sown in these banking system at the sometime.
As these expansion trend continuous, a sign of lacked vision among the investors and the directs motive of quick return to satisfy liquidity operation. The word distress had been in assistance but increased promptly as these institution increased due to acute shortage of resources and the massive withdrawal of deposits by government agencies and other public sectors from these banks.
The development trend the financial structure, exposed and undermine the economic system which impact development of the economy. Therefore, distress places a great burden on regulation, authority, depress the economy undermine the payment system and discourage savings.

Some Commercial banks have been divided to assist in loans and advance to various sectors of the economy.
And the Commercial banking is know as retail banking which accept deposit and makes payment to his customers.
But the financial condition of source of these Commercial Banking due to the political instablility/lactory campaign that wad on. Political analyst describes the allocation to be one of the brutal crises that was to come. Therefore, there was price withdrawal of fund by these bank customers. These Institutes is now bogged down by distress, insolvency, poor liquidity due to deadline in deposit and the confidence. The crisis has been averted and the urgency prompted the study. This research work is disquiet to describe the financial distress in some Commercial Banking System in Nigeria.

The objective of the study are:
1. To describe the nature and types of financial distress.
2. To identify some of the Commercial Banks involved in the distress in Nigeria.
3. To identify the causes of financial distress in these Commercial Banks.
4. To determine the level of distress in these Commercial Banks.
5. To find out if the distress is caused by poor management.

The importance of a health banking system cannot be over emphasized for so many reasons, ranging from the vital economic importance of the longe deposit at state to public confidence jobs and carear of people and the key role these banks plays in economic development.
Also the benefit of finding solution of how to get a solution ofthe crisis will be found useful to invest or customers of these banks, the regulatory and supervisory authority and even the Government. The solution will also be useful to the managers in general of these banks.

The study is limited within Enugu State due to insufficient t6ime to carryout the work.
Apart from these factor the inability of accessing all distress Commercial Banks, financial contains also cause the limitation e.t.c.
Other possible limitation to the study could be lack of transparency among the distressed banks to the researchers to avoid exposing their image.

As been defined by Hornby, it is the state of backing in difficult and needing help Smith and Wall 199:Ologun, 1994 defined distress as “Unhealthy”, Situation” or a state of inability or weakness which prevent the achievement of set goal and objective

This is when Financial Institute can no longer cope with their financial structure and require help. This could take various firms like, Insolence. Poor Management, Inliquidity, Lack of deposits. e.t.c.

This are Financial Institution referred to as retail bank. They accept and make payment on demand to their customers.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Financial Distress In Source Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences And Solution) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.