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Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates

(A Case Study Of Emene Authorities Community)

5 Chapters
64 Pages
8,399 Words
Mass Communication

Complete Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


What we looked proposal in the chapter on project writing, it was seen as a write up on the overall intention of the research in which a researcher is able to put out clearly
a. What the study is all about.
b. How he intends to carry out the study and
c. What he expects at the end of the study”
( okenwa:1998:74)
In this research work, we will take a look at the background of the study by identifying the problem which Nigerian electorates in Emene autonomous community, encounter during elections.
Such problems will includes,
1. To know the extent of public relation activities that influence the voiting partern of Nigeria electorates in emene autonomous community
2. To know if there is a relationship between mass media and public relations. If yes,
3. To know if Nigeria electorates have access to media.
4. To know if ownership of public relation organization affect the content of public relations massages.
5. To know if there is two way communication flow between the electorates and those to be elected into different office in Nigeria.
Other problems not stated here might as well be looked into as the research work proceeds.
Another important step to be taken during this research work is to state the objective / purpose of this study. The objective / purpose of the study is to find out if public relation activities influence the voting pattern of Nigerian electorate, with particular reference in Emene Autonomous community.
If this research work is completed, it must use of appropriate research tools. These research tool includes such method of gathering data like, interview, questionnaire and appropriate consultation of expert work (printer materials) on this topic of study.
The researchers will use survey research method in carrying out this study. This will enable them to collect data for the purpose of describing a population too large to be observed directly.
The research ability to use this research method is also to interviews in such a manner that, they would be subjected to statistical analysis for the purpose of reading conclusion and providing solution to identified research problems.
Though, this research work will give the research some constraint eg time, money and limited research tools, the researchers having considered this, decided to use Emene autonomous community, as their scope of study.
They will also use theories that have a lot to do with the research topic in this study. Such theories live, agenda setting, theory, gate keeping theory uses and theoretical framework of this study.
At the end of this study, it is expected that enough logical conclusion would lead to the fact that, public relation influence the voting pattern of Nigeria electorates.
Based on the above facts, the researchers intend to divide this study into five chapters.
Chapter one will be an introduction to the work whereas chapter two reviews related literature on the study. Chapter three would be concerned with chapter four will do with data analysis and result.
The last chapter but not He least will give a summary of the entire work as well as conclusion and recommendations for further studies.


This research work border on the influence of mass media on voting patern of Nigerian electorate using Emene autonomous community as a case study.
This study took a deep look at such question as to ascertain if journalisty encounter problem in sustaining democracy and if Nigeria journalists makes any concerned effort to sustain democracy in Nigeria. It further examined the ownership pattern of the mass media and the content of mass media message on voting pattern of Nigeria electorate particular in Emene Enugu state during the last general election in Nigeria.
I used surely method in the actual execution of the study where by various aspects of information or data needed for the study were obtained. I conducted interviews among various people to which helped me to find how easily voter at Emene have their access to media and how they understand the massage particularly during general election in Nigeria.
In taking appropriate consideration of my work I decided to use simple ramdom sampling to enable each eligible voter in the population of equal chance of being selected. That was why I arranged my work in such a manner that could easily be understood. For instance chapter one is an introduction of the research work. Chapter two discussess “literature Review” while chapter three is the “Research methodology” chapter four talks about data analylsis and results where as the final or last chapter (five) takes a deep look at the summary and recommendation of the study.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Research Problem
1.3 Objective Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Research Question
1.6 Research Hypothesis
1.7 Conceptual And Operational Definition Of Terms
1.8 Assumption
1.9 Limitation Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 Source Of Literature
2.2 The Review Of The Literature
2.3 Theoretical Framework
2.4 Selected And Related Concepts
2.5 Summary Of Literature

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Method
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Research Sample / Population
3.4 Measuring Instrument
3.5 Data Collection
3.6 Data Analysis
3.7 Expected Results

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Analysis And Result

4.1 Data Analysis
4.2 Result
4.3 Discussion

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary And Recommendation

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation



Looking at the past history of Nigeria, one must surely observe the concert efforts Nigerians had made to install and maintain a lasting but genuine democracy.
In many countries of the world, the trend towards democratization of political regions has been forced upon the powers that be. Third world countries have not be left or his global democratic evolution blowing around and engulfing the entire world. Instance about for reference purposes where automatic regime have been dismantled for its unrepresented refusal to democratic consciousness.
The present global democratic evolution trend was captured succiently by Martin Crawl (1993), when he predicted that “these will be a disappearance of the East west divide and the natural antagonisms between libertarianism and communism as political ideologies.
Most third world countries, Nigerian inclusive have had to content with intolerates suffering under the servere straight hold of oppressive and undemocratic regimes like the military dictators.
This is as a result of a little mistake from the political class. And to this end, the media through the journalists has being using mass communication in its remarked and critical campaign to create awareness and an unique acceptance of liberalism as a ideal from government in Nigeria.
Infact, out of the forty-four years of Nigeria independence the policy has only witnessed civilian rule that lasted only but fifteen(15) years and leaving the bulk of the years to military rule. The role of Nigerian journalist in enhancing achieving and maintaining democracy and the protection of human might from abuser has been challenging but refreshing.
The social responsibility theory of the mass media as propounded by Siebat, Peterson and Schramm (1963) provided a function model for the analysis of the function model for the analysis of the jourtnalist rle in political evolution and maintenance of a genuine democracy. They are as follows.
a. Making sure that the democratic system is served by creating the rightful, avenues necessary for political growths. For instance, discussion and debate.
b. Enlightening the people on the need and importance of democracy.
c. Creating an enabling condition or environment for the economy to grow strong especially through advertising.
d. Adhering strictly to the code, ethnics and conduct laid down by the press council of Nigeria as this will boost the journalist self sufficiently in order to be free from the pressure of government interest (special interest).
e. Entertaining the public with information and other well- packaged programmes.
The above clearly stated the functions of journalist in the democractic dispensation we are in. This is because “democracy is the right of the peole to participated in the constitutional right to choose, the right to demand accountability from those entrusted with leadership and governance.
Through some bottlenecks are encountered from the angle of which this task are encounter from the angle of which this task should be achieved, but there should not be any lapse on the part of the journalist, because human rights should be protected and defented through the media that mirrors what the society should be or look like. Also the media should make sure that they work hand in hand with the government as fart as sustaining democracy in Nigeria is concerned.
Similarly it is a result of the background of the scenario pointed above that, John Tuss (1992) stated that “ a free press is the sign of or a mark of a confident nation, an accurate press is a sign of a mature people”. He further stated that a press is which criticize temperately and a government which reacts rationally to such criticism, are evident of a civilized state.
The above statement still illustrates the necessary functions, which journalist must maintain in order to make sure that the ideals that facilitates the availability of democracy is not compromised in any from or manner.

This research work has communication flow as the most important aspect of the challenge. This is because if has to do with democractic sustenance and the mass media ability to assist the democratic government in promoting the proper use of power, human right, free and egalitarian society which will in turn enhance national development.
In addition to these challenge, constraint and problems, illiteracy could be said to be another major problem confronting the greater number of the Nigeria populace. As a result of this, the influence of mass media on voting pattern of the Nigeria electorate does not easily manifest or come to limelight, because, mass media message sometimes means little or nothing to these illiterate Nigerians.

The purpose of this research work is to examine and pronounce the challenge of the journalists in making a better Nigeria by sustaining democracy after (44) forty four years of which the majority of the stated years was characterized by military dictorship.
Base on this facts the following factor were considered as the major objective of the study.
1. To recommend ways by which the journalist lists can surmount the many constraints facing them and play a very importance role in democratic dispensation of Nigeria.
2. To critically look into the reason who democracy had continued to elude the people of Nigeria.
3. To encounter the need for more uncourageous and daring escapades on the point of the journalists in o performing their duties.\
4. To determine the extent in which bad governance ruined Nigeria’s democracy in the past.
5. To examine and determine the contribution of journalists in the sustenance of Nigeria social political economy.

Since communication is require in every society, journalism remains a vital tool for good political involvement national development economic improvement and good administration. Although, it is an effective way of communication, journalism still, faces numerous problem both on the part of the people in its quest for sound and sustained democracy. For instance =, promulgation of detrimental decrees, censorship and arbitrary arrest on the part of the government while the problem of poverty, illiteracy and apathy have been the recurring problem from the people go of this country.
Infact, by giving out favorable law not decree, if will be easy to promote the work of journalist in every society. In Nigeria for instance, only very few are practicing journalism and this is as a result of practicing journalism and this as a result of pressure being mounted by different administrators as regards politicizes.
Also the people must be given a very good opportunity to be literate and to relieved of the object poverty. This will awaken them in their slumber as well as make them participate actively in any project which will sustain and stabilizer any democratic rule that is in place.
Finally, the study carefully examine some of the problems, which will include manpower need in management information gathering and discrimination, as well as adequate finding of project and programme by the government. These needs will include the following.
a. Government assistance in providing equipment in improving the challenges and constraints of journalists in mobilizing the general public.
b. The need for the journalist to boost their crusade for national unity because this is the only way of maintaining peace and sanity in the society.
c. Appreciating the efforts and contribution of various journalists in building the present Nigeria. This is very important because heroes or pioneers importance work have contributed immensely or tremendously in sustaining Nigeria nascent democracy.
That is why researcher is highly emphatic about her claims. It is also to enable those of them who will benefit from this study to be well informed. Such people include politicians, administrators, lawyers, teachers and student as well as present democratic rule.

This study would attempt to address the following question as they relate to the influence of mass media on voting pattern of Nigeria electorates.
1. Do journalist encounter problems in sustaining democracy.
2. Are Nigeria journalist making concerted effort to sustain Nigeria democracy?.
3. Does poor management affect the performanance of journalists in Nigeria?
4. Does poor communication affect national growth?

H1: Journalists encounter problem in sustaining democracy.
H0: Journalist do not encounter problem in sustaining democracy.
H2: Journalist makes concerted efforts sustain Nigeria’s democracy.
H0: Journalist do not make concerted effort to sustain Nigeria’s democracy.
H3: Poor management affect the performance of journalists in Nigeria.
H0: Poor management does not affect the performance of journalist in Nigeria.
H4: Poor communication affects national growth.
H0: Poor communication does not affect national growth.

In this area of the research work, certain key concepts are conceptually and operationally defined includes
1. Journalist: Conceptual meaning: A person engaged in journalists operational earring: Embodiment of journalist making on different areas or different media houses such as radios, television media houses.
2. Democratic: Conceptual meaning: supporting democracy. Operational meaning: It is the process way of allowing everybody equal chance to exercise their franchiese.

3. 5 DISPENSATION: conceptual meaning the apparent arrangement of events by providence. Operational meaning problems, constraints and impediments, which journalists will have to contend with.
4. CHALLENGES: Conceptual meaning: Demanding or stimulating task. Operational meaning problems, constraints and impediments which journalists will have to contend with.
5. Communication: conceptual meaning: the pact of interacting among. This is the main tool a journalist utilizes. Operational meaning: to interact with the masses and act between then and the government.

In this study, it is obviously seen that journalists will continuously be at their peak in sustaining democracy in Nigeria through their ability to keep records and make further enquires into the existing system of government.
This I must say, will certainly promote democracy in Nigeria. It is also believed that journalists in Nigeria will contribute immensely to Nigeria economy though their unrelenting efforts in sustaining democracy.
This will help to count the nation (Nigeria) among other comtrise with economic, political social and other forms national development that encourage democracy and units.

During the time of the research work, the were many impediments encountered by method the researcher such impediments include.
a. TIME: this is a major factor encountered by the especially in areas of data collection and other relevant information I would have performed better than this, had it been I had enough time to carry out my research deeply.
b. FINANCE: due to hack of money or inadequate finance, I was unable to acquire the necessary information (data) meeded in complete this research work on time. I could not travel far and wide to exhaust the work of may Nigerian journalists who could have made this work erasing.
c. HUMAN RESOURCES: Because of hack of human interest made this research work more difficult. Some people interviewed were sometimes would have facilitated this research work.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Influence Of Mass Media On Voting Pattern Of Electorates) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.