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Plant Resource Control As An Effective Tool To Project Delivery In Building Industry

Building Technology

Complete Plant Resource Control As An Effective Tool To Project Delivery In Building Industry Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


Building/construction projects relies, all things considered, upon how best the resources are overseen. Inability to deal with the resources accessible through planning is probably going to bring about expanded project costs, time overwhelms and low quality. Findings from the study shows that plant resource control processes can serve as an effective tool in construction projects. More so in the absence of effective resource management Poor plant resource control can significantly affect project delivery in terms of cost overrun and delay. The study therefore recommends that plant resource control and material management practice by building engineers should be improved ranging from forecasting, planning purchasing, transportation and introduction of new possibilities as this will enable efficiency in delivering the project.



1.1. Background to Study

Constructions projects are one of the most common activities we encounter in our lives, yet it is also known as one of the most difficult humankind endeavours. As a matter of fact each project consist of sophisticated and complex processes which need to be carried out by different individuals of different professionals, who have special set of skills and knowledge. All the talent and skills have to be channelled towards a common goal to producing the project. To accomplish this goal, time and money are required. At the end these construction projects, provide us with facilities that are useful, functional, visually pleasing and enjoyable to occupy. This journey is called the project delivery process (Construction Specification Institute, 2011). Effective delivery is all about the control and management of uncertainty. Therefore one needs to identify the uncertainty related to the project and sculpt the best strategy to deliver the project so that the chances of success are increased.

Hence steering the way for accomplishing successful project is all about knowing all the tactics to tackle our way through the impending obstacles. So identifying these obstacles are crucial in order to confront them. Thereby a lot of researchers have immersed themselves in various studies to identify the causes of delay and cost overrun happening in various projects. The analyses on these factors have been carried on different contexts over a long period of time. This continuous effort on finding the causes or the factors for delay and cost overrun are more or less generated similar results and only the ranking have been swapped between the different context and time. Although the repetitiveness in this approach is observed, a change in perspective can provide an interesting insight in a common pattern in these factors. For instance, issues regarding construction materials have been highly ranked in both delay and cost overrun factors and also it is a common factor that is mentioned in almost all the research done on this area. Hence this ignites the curiosity to unfold the relationship between construction material and construction project.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The construction industry in Nigeria lacks a framework which can serve as guidance in the process of resource planning. Currently in the country, the process of resource planning is not based on a scientific approach which takes cognizance of all the prevailing conditions surrounding projects. This assertion is attributed to lack of literature locally explaining and correlating these prevailing conditions in the industry in a way that can guide contractors in the process of resource planning .The successful completion and performance of a construction process is pegged on three basic performance parameters which have evolved to be regarded as the three pillars of any successful construction project: these include finishing the project within budget and schedule without compromising on the desired quality thus majority of projects suffer from avoidable delays resulting from inadequate resource planning and control. Thus it is upon the premise that this study seeks to examine Plant resource control as an effective tool to project delivery in building industry.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The main aim of this research to examine plant resource control as an effective tool to project delivery in building industry using Abacus Building Service in Abuja as case study.The specific objectives of this study are:

To Examine if Plant resource control processes can serve as a tool in construction projects.

To Explore the influence planned resource control in project delivery in terms of cost overrun and delay.

To Determine if project delivery in terms of cost overrun and delay are caused by poor Plant resource control practices.

1.4 Research Hypothesis

HO1: Plant resource control processes cannot serve as an effective tool in construction projects.
H11: Plant resource control processes can serve as an effective tool in construction projects.

HO2: Poor plant resource control cannot significantly affect project delivery in terms of cost overrun and delay.
H12: Poor plant resource control can significantly affect project delivery in terms of cost overrun and delay.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The findings from this research will serve as a guideline to the construction industry stakeholders. As a matter of fact construction Plant resource control practices in the construction industry have rarely been identified or recorded previously. Therefore this study will reveal the existing Plant resource control practices and the comparison between the different approaches will give the field professions a deeper insight into these practices. Moreover this study will generate a list of root causes for ineffective Plant resource control that can be used as a benchmark to control the existing and future projects. In addition to this how these root causes are related to the current Plant resource control practices will aware the stakeholders to be more cautious. Apart from this research being useful to the field professionals, this study will be valuable for the academicians too. As this study will serve as a support of what the past researchers have written about Plant resource control in construction projects. Furthermore it will also provide information for further researchers who are willing to investigate on this particular or similar case.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study borders on Plant resource control as an effective tool to project delivery in building industry. The study is however delimited Abacus Building Service in Abuja Metropolis.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The following factors poses to be a limitation during the course of this research

Financial constraint

Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint

The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

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The introduction of Plant Resource Control As An Effective Tool To Project Delivery In Building Industry should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Plant Resource Control As An Effective Tool To Project Delivery In Building Industry should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

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The discussion section of Plant Resource Control As An Effective Tool To Project Delivery In Building Industry should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

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