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Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract


Complete Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


The efficiency of cocoa extract to replace paraffin oil in the formulation of body lotion was examined, the result of the work showed that cocoa extract is a good alternative to paraffin oil in body lotion formulation.

There is no question that properly moisturized skin looks and feels better, especially during the chilly winter months when it is prone to flaking and itchiness. The problem is that it can cost a fortune to keep a supply of body lotion on hand.

From the price, it is easy to wonder if the secret ingredient in some moisturizers is gold dust. What few people realize is that the basic recipe for any lotion is incredibly simple: Oil and water are combined and bonded together with an emulsifier. In fact, anyone can create a month’s supply of luxurious body lotion in his or her kitchen for around a dollar.

Even more exciting is the fact that you can make a moisturizer that is perfectly suited to your skin type, fragrance preference, and budget. If you want to keep your skin looking silky smooth and want to hold onto more of your hard-earned money, try this simple recipe.

Cocoa extract refers to the bioactive compounds found in cocoa products. These compounds include flavanols, procyanidins and (-)-epicatechin. Though these molecules are not unique to cocoa, cocoa extract contains a particularly high level of (-)-epicatechin, compared to other plant products.

Supplementing cocoa extract or eating dark chocolate is linked to better blood flow and improved insulin sensitivity.

Preliminary research suggests (-)-epicatechin may also provide benefits for longevity by increasing blood flow and oxygenation in the brain. Though this effect has not been linked to improved memory or cognitive performance, it may play a protective role during aging. Some evidence also suggests (-)-epicatechin can help mitigate the effects of impaired mitochondria.

When (-)-epicatechin is absorbed by the body, it activates an insulin signaling pathway, which causes a mild increase in glucose uptake. Increased glucose uptake means the body is able to take in sugar from the blood more effectively. Supplementing (-)-epicatechin also increase the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that widens blood vessels and improves blood flow.

Eating about 26-40g of dark chocolate products containing at least 75% cocoa makes supplementing cocoa extract and (-)-epicatechin unnecessary. This is about 200 calories of dark chocolate, a bit less than a standard candy bar. Products low in cocoa, like milk chocolate and white chocolate, do not replace supplementation. Cocoa extract is a safe supplement that promotes circulation and effective energy production. It has great potential long-term benefits, whether the (-)-epicatechin comes from supplements or food products


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

Chapter one
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Scope of study
1.2 Aims and objectives of study

Chapter two
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 History of body lotion
2.2 The modern day body lotion
2.3 Body emollient
2.3.1 Body lotion
2.3.2 Body cream
2.3.3 Choice of body
2.4 Ingredients use in making body lotion and function-
2.5 Importance of body lotion
2.6 Brief description of cocoa
2.7 Importance of cocoa
2.8 Effects of cocoa consumption on other animal
2.9 Properties and uses of cocoa extract
2.9.1 Properties of cocoa extract
2.9.2 Uses of cacao

Chapter three
3.0 Materials And Methodology
3.1 List of apparatus
3.2 List of reagents/materials
3.3 Sample collection
3.4 Sample preparation
3.5 Soxhlet extraction
3.6 Distillation
3.7 Procedure

Chapter four
4.0 Result
Chapter five

5.0 Conclusion And Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations


1.0 Introduction

There is no doubt that properly moisturized skin looks and feels better, especially during the chilly winter months when it is prone to flaking and itchiness. The problem is that it can cost a fortune to keep a supply of body lotion on hand. From the price, it is easy to wonder if the secret ingredients in some moisturizers are gold dust. [5]

What few people realize is that the basic recipe for any lotion is incredibly simple. oil and water are combined and bonded together with an emulsifier to produce skin moisturizing cream lotion. in fact anyone can create a month’s supply of luxurious body lotion in his or her kitchen. Even more exciting is the fact that you can make a moisturizer that is perfectly suited to your skin type with fragrance of your choice.

As mentioned earlier, all you need to make body lotion is a skin nourishing oil and pure water. The emulsifier will help you create a more professional product, but you do not even need this if it does not bother you to shake up your moisturizer before applications. However, emulsifiers often have a second benefit that may make a trip to the store worth while. They also have preservative qualities that keep oils, which can go rancid over time, from spoiling in some cases; they can dramatically extend the shelf life of a cream containing fragile ingredients like fruit juice.

Experts (beauty experts and reader surveys, dermatologists) agree that skin on every part of the body has virtually the same needs, in that it should be cleansed, exfoliated, moisturized and protected from the sun. They also agree that some ingredients like vitamin E can help to provide healthier and softer skin.
Good moisturizers should include water-binding agents such as glycerin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, antioxidant and anti-irritants (aloe, green tea, vitamin C etc.) experts agree that a good lotion doesn’t have to be expensive.

For the purpose of this work, oil extracted from coca was used in place of paraffin oil for the production of body lotion due to the fact that cocoa contains mass polyphenol (CMP), a substance that inhibits the production of immuno globulin (IgE) which is known to aggravate symptoms of both dermatitis and asthma.

cocoa has a high antioxidant concentration which has shown to smooth the skin when ingested regularly, but a new study is one of the first to prove that it has anti-aging effect when applied tropically. in test on human skin samples, a cream containing Acticoa-a cocoa extract rich in antioxidants called flavonols, boosted the production of collagen and glycosaninoglycans (proteins involved in skin elasticity and moisture).

1.1 Scope Of Study

The scope of this work is to produce body lotion from local oil extract (cocoa bean).

1.2 Aim/Objectives

The aim/objective is to replace paraffin oil with oil extract from cocoa, in the formulation of body lotion.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Production Of Body Lotion Using Cocoa Extract) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.