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Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume

5 Chapters
99 Pages
12,520 Words
Agricultural Science

Complete Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


This research project was carried out principally for the production of liquid and vapourized perfumes from local raw materials. The local raw material were subjected to various processing conditions in order to obtain purified perfume. The methods generally used in this work include expression steam distillation and solvent extraction.

During the production of vapourized and liquid perfume the modern solvent for blending and holding perfume materials is highly refined ethanol mixed with more or less water according to the solubilities of the oils employed. This solvent with its volatile nature helps to project the scent it carries, and it is fairly inert to the solute and is not too irritating to the human skin.

The slight natural odour of the alcohol is remove by deodorizing of the alcohol. This is accomplished by adding a small amount of gum benzoic or other resinous fixatives to the alcohol and allowing it to mature for a week or two. The result is an almost odorless alcohol, the natural rawness having been neutralized by the resins. Other vehicles added to this includes benzene which is a solubilizer and methanol in their required proportions.

For vaporized perfumes , it has light quantity benzene while the liquid perfume has little or no of benzene and it contains more of the fragrance than the vapourized perfume.

However, it can be concluded that liquid and vapourized perfumes can be produced using local raw materials.


Contents page
Cover page
Title page
Approval page
Table of content

Objective of the project

2.1 Brief description of perfumes
2.2 Historical background of perfumes
2.3 Classification of perfumes
2.4 Uses, application and general
Importance of perfumes
2.5 Raw material used in perfumery
2.6 Chemical composition and chemistry of perfumes
2.7 Quantity standards and physical characteristic
2.8 General method of isolating essential oil
2.9 Formulation procedure of perfumes


3.1 Raw material
3.2 Equipment and general process description
3.3 Exaction procedures
3.4 Perfumes compounding and formulation
3.5 Characterization of perfume


4.1 Results
4.2 Analysis and discussion of result

5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 General recommendations


The word perfumes take its name form the latin word perfumery (to fill with smoke) since in its original form, it was incense burner in Egyptian temple early it was found in a mixture of finely ground spices help together by Mgrrh or storax.

It occur in certain spices and flowers were steeped in fat or oil, the fat or oil would retain a portion of the odoriferous principle which can be blended by a constitutes like vehicle a solvent and fixture.

It also occur in some leaves, seals fruits and grasses. It first production data back to the 6th century BC when God gave Moses an instruction to make an acter of twin incense and Aaron shall burn there on sweet morning (ref Exodus 30:23)
Early incenses was merely mixture of finely ground spices held together by myrrh or storax. The next advance was the discovery that, if certain spices and flower were steeped in fat & oil “Avicenna” the Arabian physician discovered steam distillation of volatile oils during his search for medical petion, he found that flower boiled in an alembic with water gave up some of their essence to the distillate.

Hence, the quest for sweet smelling substance (perfume) was born perfumery look it genesis from the midst of antiquity, and in present day’s till maintains its ageless quality “sweet smelling fragrance”

Due to the various uses of body perfume in the country, the new arises for its production from locally raw material in trade to reduce cost of buying from aboard and subsequent important into the country.

This project is therefore towards providing alternative source of raw material for the production of perfume. This will be in very large measure aid in minimizing, if not slopping entirely, the present important syndrome which does not only constitute a sever chain on our economy but has also turn our country into a fertile dumping ground for both low quality and out dates perfumery and it will also create job opportunities in the countries.

This work is aimed at developing an economical and indigenous way of producing body perfume using locally raw material in the best interest of small scale industries there by conserving their foreign exchange earnings.

But in Nigeria over ninety percent of the perfumes in use are imported either as finished or semi finished product.

Even the very little produced locally are still based on synthetic raw material, which are also imported. This is rather unfortunate, considering that numerous natural sources locally available form which the basic raw material for the production of perfume can be obtained. In cognizance of these facts, it become necessary and indeed of paramount importance that alternative source of raw materials be sought.

Even if the raw material locally available in commercial quantities and at reasonable cost, and with other advantage, natural product must be used in other to achieve a certain richness and natural character in perfumes. Although study is progressing material and in reconstructing them by synthesis the moment is still far of when gravity, solubility, refractive index, optical rotation, acid value, ester value, iodine value and among other. A knowledge of these physical characteristics help in the designing of the quality of the eventual product obtained.

Finally, an attempt is made at formulating specific brands of perfume from different oils using standard procedures.



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Project Structure

The introduction of Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Production Of Liquid And Vapourized Perfume) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.