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Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools

5 Chapters
57 Pages
7,285 Words
Primary Education

Complete Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of the parents’ teachers association in the administration of schools in Nigeria. The study will be focused on parents and teachers of Christ the King Primary School Lagos State, Lagos. The administration of questionnaires was used for the study. The data gathered were presented according to the order in which they were arranged in the research questions, simple percentage and pie graphs were used to analyze the demographic information of the respondents while Pearson correlation was adopted to test the research hypotheses. The results show that there is a strong relationship between the activities of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) and educational development in the country. From our findings, the major recommendation is that the parents teachers association should be encouraged as their efforts towards advising schools would help in enhancing the already decaying education sector in Nigeria, especially in the context of adolescence.


The role of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) in the administration of primary schools is pivotal. Involvement of parents in the educational process has shown to significantly benefit students, schools, and communities. The PTA serves as a crucial bridge, fostering a collaborative environment where educators and parents work together towards the common goal of enhancing the educational experience. This essay explores the multifaceted role of PTAs in primary school administration, highlighting their importance in fostering communication, supporting school programs, enhancing educational outcomes, and creating a cohesive school community.

Fostering Communication

One of the primary roles of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) in the administration of primary schools is to foster effective communication between parents and the school. The PTA acts as a liaison, ensuring that parents are kept informed about school policies, programs, and events. Regular meetings and newsletters are common tools used by PTAs to disseminate information. This open line of communication is essential for building trust and ensuring that parents feel involved and invested in their children’s education. By keeping parents informed, the PTA helps to create a transparent and inclusive school environment.

Supporting School Programs

The role of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) extends to actively supporting various school programs and activities. PTAs often organize and coordinate volunteer efforts, fundraising events, and extracurricular activities. These initiatives provide additional resources and opportunities for students that might not be available through regular school funding. For example, PTAs may fundraise for new playground equipment, organize after-school enrichment programs, or support field trips and cultural events. By doing so, the PTA enhances the overall educational experience and ensures that students have access to a well-rounded education.

Enhancing Educational Outcomes

A critical role of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) in the administration of primary schools is enhancing educational outcomes. Research indicates that active parental involvement in education positively impacts student achievement. PTAs work closely with school administrators and teachers to identify areas where additional support is needed. They may advocate for smaller class sizes, improved teaching resources, or specialized educational programs. By addressing these needs, the PTA helps to create an environment where students can thrive academically. Furthermore, PTAs often provide workshops and training sessions for parents, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to support their children’s learning at home.

Creating a Cohesive School Community

The role of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) in the administration of primary schools is also crucial in creating a cohesive school community. By organizing social events, such as school fairs, family fun nights, and parent-teacher socials, the PTA fosters a sense of belonging and community among families, students, and school staff. These events provide opportunities for parents to connect with one another, share experiences, and build supportive networks. A strong school community is beneficial for everyone involved, as it promotes a positive and collaborative atmosphere that supports student learning and well-being.

Advocacy and Decision-Making

The involvement of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) in the administration of primary schools includes advocacy and participation in decision-making processes. PTAs represent the collective voice of parents and advocate for their concerns and priorities within the school system. They may participate in school board meetings, serve on committees, and engage in discussions about school policies and budget allocations. This advocacy ensures that parents have a say in the decisions that affect their children’s education. By being actively involved in the decision-making process, the PTA helps to ensure that the needs and perspectives of families are considered and addressed.


In conclusion, the role of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) in the administration of primary schools is multifaceted and essential. By fostering communication, supporting school programs, enhancing educational outcomes, creating a cohesive school community, and participating in advocacy and decision-making, the PTA plays a vital role in the overall functioning and success of primary schools. Their involvement not only benefits the students but also strengthens the entire school community. The collaboration between parents, teachers, and school administrators through the PTA creates a supportive and dynamic environment that is conducive to student learning and development. As such, the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) continues to be an indispensable part of the educational landscape in primary schools

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Project Structure

The introduction of Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Role Of Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) In Administration Of Primary Schools) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.