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Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students

(A Case Study Of Imo State University Owerri And Abia State University Faculty Of Legal Studies)

5 Chapters
59 Pages
7,431 Words
Information Technology

Complete Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students Project Materials (Chapters 1 to 5):


This study was set out to know how law students of IMSU and ABSU utilized internet facilities.
The survey method was used for data collection, population of study, instrument for data collection including questionnaires.
The data collected has been presented by the use of distribution table and percentages. The study also revealed into specific aspects like the important of obtaining information in the internet. The nature of business information students seek in the internet, others include the problems students encounter in the use of internet facilities and various ways of solving the problem.
Analysis also revealed hat there law student in IMSU and ABSU make use of internet facilities in order to widen their knowledge horizon in their area of study.
It was recommended that since the internet is one among the commonest and widest uses by students has been dominated by science and technology innovations. Also this study exrays the act that the nature of law courses in the university demand intensive reference work. Where as the utilization of internet facilities in information age to law studies should be considered paramount.


Title page
Table of contents



1.2 Background of the study
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Statement of the problem
1.5 Research question
1.6 Hypothesis
1.7 Significant of the study
1.8 Scope of the study
1.9 Limitation of the study
1.10 Operational definition of terms


2.1 The role of internet use by law students
2.2 The need for information in national development.
2.3 The need for information and type of information sought by students from the internet


3.1 Population of study
3.2 Instrument for data collection
3.3 Procedure for data collection
3.4 Method of data analysis



5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Areas for further research


1.1 introduction
internet is a network of computers that enhance a global communication of people through shared telephone lines and other protocols.
In other words, it enables companies, organization, individuals, schools and governments to share information across the world.
The World Wide Web, is one of the services of the internet, which enables users to exchange texts, graphics, picture and even sounds.
The internet is a global network made up of many smaller network that enables computer user to share information and resources quickly and easily.
Internet is a connection of millions of computers around the globe such that a user of one of the global village can connect another user in another part of global village.
Internet is a world wide networks of computer and people, built upon state of the art technology, the internet makes it possible for thousands of dissimilar physical network that are not connected to one another and use diverse hardware technologies to connect and operate as single communicate system.
Internet is the world infrastructure that like local area network(LAN) and individual computer to another. Every single machine and every single networks on the internet protocol (IP) number that can be used to locate it.
In the essence, internet is fast growing and more domains are recorded on daily basis. One can hardly say exactly what the future of the internet will look like. Infact every thing written about the technology’s future is deemed too be inaccurate because what was said about 20 years age, may not be applicable in this present time.
In summary, the internet has unlimited promises of uses in the future in its effects on every endeavour of life especially in the academic system. it is feared in the internet will mean less books on the shelves and more data on the electronic media.
It will also mean less work in the technical and circulation departments of the library.
With the use of internet, people now send and receail electronic nails(e mails) post and receive documents, communicate with other people who share similar interest.

1.2 Background of the study
The internet which began in the late 1960s with ARPANET an experimental wide are network created by the U.S department of defence.
In the mid and late 1980s, it began a period of explosive growth as first government agencies, then academic institution and private research labs and finally co-operaiton and individual began to inter connect their computer in a network that has come to span the globe.
However, although the physical infrastructure for exchanging information existed, the higher level of organization needed it link related pieces of information across the vast network lagged behind.
When Abia state was created out of Imo state in 1991, the physical facilities of Imo state university then at Uturu were coded to Abia state as the land on which the campus was built was adjusted belong to the Uturu community in Isuikwuato L.G.A of Abia state.
Consequently, Imo State University was relocate at Owerri in 1992 and so was the college of legal studies and its law library.
Within the IMSU library system there is a law library for the college of legal studies. The law library is on a completely, separate building and quite distinct from the university library and other departmental libraries of the University. It has more than two million (2 million) volumes of books and about (100) computers that are used for research, for storing and retrieval of information in the departments.
The law library is organized with library of congress classification scheme in classifying its law materials.
Presently, the library has 7 library staffs 3 professional, 3 assistance library staff and 1 adjunct law libraries and has 25 million volumes and the library also has 5 computer operators that direct students on how to make effective use of the internet facilities.
The university was opened in 1981 at the Abia campus and law was one of the curses offered then. Law and business studies were located in Abia when the university started. By 1987, the present campus at uturu was opened and all the scattered disciplines were re-located and since then the institution has only one main library. It was the pressure for a separate law library, that the present library was established and opened in 1998.
The law library is housed within the same building with the college of legal studies of the institution.
When the law library was opened, the strength of its collection amounted to only 818 volume of legal collection an 80 computers for reference purposes.

The broad objective is to find out reasons why law students of IMSU and ABSU make use of the internet facilities. And also to find out if the internet facilities they use provide access to the latest resources.
1. To find out the disadvantages of internet facilities.
2. To find out the advantage of internet facilities.
3. To find out how often law students utilized the internet facilities
4. To find out, if the internet facilities has contributed positively or negatively in their achievement.

In recent times, the law level of utilization of internet facilities by law students as the source of material for academic research for the above institutions.
Law students utilizes the internet facilities to seek information, they spent most of their times in surveying for facts by paying more money because, they find it a bit difficult to browse on different websites, page goggle, yohoo etc.
While most of the law students are not computer literate, time factor is one of their major problem.
This research project is designed to help law students of IMSU and ABSU to source information that are relevant to them with internet facilities.

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Project Structure

The introduction of Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students should start with the relevant background information of the study, clearly define the specific problem that it addresses, outline the main object, discuss the scope and any limitation that may affect the outcome of your findings

Literature Review of Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students should start with an overview of existing research, theoretical framework and identify any gaps in the existing literature and explain how it will address the gaps

Methodology of Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students should describe the overall design of your project, detail the methods and tools used to collect data explain the techniques used to analyse the collected data and discuss any ethical issues related to your project

Results should include presentation of findings and interpretation of results

The discussion section of Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students should Interpret the implications of your findings, address any limitations of your study and discuss the broader implications of your findings

The conclusion of Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students should include summarize the main results and conclusions of your project, provide recommendations based on your findings and offer any concluding remarks on the project.

References should List all the sources cited in Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students project by following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

The appendices section should Include any additional materials that support your project (Utilization Of Internet Facilities By Law Students) but are too detailed for the main chapters such as raw data, detailed calculations etc.